Would you like to make an immediate contribution to the foundation with no money and very little time? Well, the best way to do this is by becoming an email ambassador.
One of our most important goals is to spread the word to others about our organization and its mission. To do this, simply write a short email to everyone in your address book giving them our website address, encouraging them to learn more about us, and to make a contribution.
You could accomplish that right now, within just a few minutes. And you would be doing us an incredible service in advancing our grassroots campaign to spread the word to everyone we know. Our experience has shown that we can never know the death losses our friends, neighbors, and colleagues have endured in their lives. Sometimes the wounds are so deep they choose not to share that part of themselves.
Contributing to our organization to help children and families, who are now walking in their same shoes, will be a comforting experience for them. They will know they are alleviating a small part of the sorrow which they endured. And you gave them the opportunity simply by passing along our donation link.
The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc. is the first national non-profit public charity which raises funds for the benefit of children, teens and young adults who have experienced a loved one’s death, regardless how their loved one died or was killed.
Your Donations are tax-deductible.
(c) 2003-2024 Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc.