For 10 days from Friday, November 8th through Sunday, November 17th, we will be holding our Autumn Online Fundraiser.
We encourage
- students who have experienced the death of a loved one
- students who have witnessed the pain others have encountered during their grieving process
- students who feel the F4GC’s work resonates with them
to join us to raise funds for our cause.
Using the MightyCause peer-to-peer fundraising portal, you will easily be able to make a page to honor the significant person or persons in your life who left us too soon.
You can display photos, set your personal financial goal, tell your story, and send your personal page link to others through email and social media to fundraise for grieving children.
Millions of children experience a love one’s death each year and sharing our cause will help raise the funds needed to insure the hurting have the support groups and services they need at such a difficult time in their lives.
Please visit Students for Grieving Children | Autumn 2019 to learn how you can easily sign up and build your own personal page.
We are excited to welcome you on the Leader Board!