What happens when your best friend experiences the death of her brother? You listen, you comfort and you help when she wants to create a fundraiser in his memory.
And that’s exactly what Cameron Wilson did to honor the memory of Nick Edwards, taken much too soon and unexpectedly in a car accident at age 20.
There are many compassionate individuals whom I consider ‘angels amongst us’ who seem to appear and give their love and care when tragedy strikes.

And while there are many who will become overwhelmed when you’re going through grief, but others, just like Cameron, run to the sorrow instead of away from it.
We commend him for his devotion to Emli Edwards as she grieved the loss of her brother and for his support in creating the Neon Night Fun Run.
Thank you Cameron for all you did to make the Fun Run so successful.
May all who grieve so young find phenomenal friends like you!