There are a wealth of things that can be done for the children, teens, young adults and their families who are experiencing difficult times due to the loss of a loved one. Whether you choose to help financially, with your precious time, or both, we are grateful that you have chosen to assist in helping us achieve our goals and entrust us with the task of distributing funds wisely.
View the different ways in which you can help us to achieve our goals here:
• Make a tax-deductible Financial Donation
• Become an E-Mail Ambassador
• Become a Heart of Gold Ambassador
• Research corporations and organizations in your area.
The Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc. is the first national non-profit public charity which raises funds for the benefit of children, teens and young adults who have experienced a loved one’s death, regardless how their loved one died or was killed.
Your Donations are tax-deductible.
(c) 2003-2024 Foundation for Grieving Children, Inc.